2008 Regular Season Schedule
Last Updated: 8/18/2008

16/24 (TU)6:00HomeNewmark, Knight, Frank PPD
27/02 (Wed)6:00HomeTufts Health Plan Corp PPD
37/07 (Mon)6:00HomeUp To Date 18-14
47/17 (Thur)6:00AwayRacepoint Group 11-10
57/23 (Wed)6:00AwayThermo Fisher Scientific PPD
67/31 (Thur)6:00AwayMass Medical Society 25-17
78/04 (Mon)6:00AwayMilestones, Inc. 12-6
88/13 (Wed)6:00HomeNewmark, Knight, Frank 23-8
98/18 (Mon)6:00AwayTufts Health Plan Corp 16-7
108/20 (Wed)6:00HomeThermo Fisher Scientific 24-3

... schedule will only be updated if there is a rain-out.

2008 Playoff Schedule
Last Updated: 8/30/2008

P19/03 (Wed)6:00AwayMass Medical Society (Semi-finals) 14-13
P29/10 (Wed)6:00HomeFinals (TBD - If necessary)  

... schedule will only be updated if there is a rain-out.

Playoff Format
Teams in first through fourth place play division playoffs; teams in fifth through eighth play a consolation tournament. Everything is single elimination.